Joining the fraternity

Joining the Fraternity
Start as an Entered Apprentice. This is the first stage of initiation, and you'll learn the basic principles of Freemasonry After you gain enough knowledge and put in some time, you'll work your way up through two more symbolic degrees.

Throughout the apprenticeship period, you must continue to demonstrate good character.
Before you can advance to the next degree, you must demonstrate proficiency in understanding the degree work you experienced.

Advance to the Fellow Craft degree. You'll delve deeper into the teachings of Freemasonry, especially as they pertain to the arts and sciences. To complete this degree, you'll be tested on your knowledge about everything you've learned so far.

Get a Master Mason degree. This is the highest level you can achieve, and it usually takes several months to get there. To get the degree, you must demonstrate proficiency in the values of Freemasonry. Your completion of the degree will be celebrated with a ceremony.

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