If winning was easy, winning would be no victory

 All successes are found after great difficulty. Hardships are rocks on the road to victory, threatening to tear apart your shoes and tripping you along the way. A person becomes weary as they work on a project, and wearier with each passing moment they spend searching for its solution. Time has a way of cultivating discouragement, steadily chipping away at a person’s stamina with self-doubts and internal anxieties. 

If winning was easy, winning would be no victory. Magnificent accomplishments require effort and perseverance. When you trip, you must stand again. The harder the journey is, the greater the reward at its end.

Join illuminati today and Enjoy the world of Happiness For the rest of your life; Enail, 666grillnati@gmail.com for immediate Recruitment Now
- Dr. Green

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Hôtel 2 Février Lomé New Members Rituals ceremony

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