I am Dr. Green. The Administrator of Uganda illuminati base.

You see, we have to also take a step of Humanity and thank everyone who took a spiritual decision to Join illuminati, Ladies and Gentlemen who attended our Meeting at JUBA HOTEL in Juba South Sudan , for one full week, you left your Families in Far distances, far Countries and decided to Come to JUBA S. SUDAN to attend to the Lucifer’s Meeting, we are delighted for that.

 As you reach your homes/countries enjoy your life. But remember to recruit more Members into illuminati time is running out.

You can now tell how good and important is being a Member of the Secret Society of illuminati. Whatever you got belongs to you forever.

Upcoming meeting:

Now for all of the members who Joined us from JANUARY  and those who joined before last year but did not attend the Kampala Workshop, please we need you all to the meeting that will take place in Sheraton hotel in Kampala Uganda from 1st to 15th
 NB: For only members who joined us from JANUARY and before FEB, but never attended any of our meetings, for those who have not yet gone through the initiation Ceremony, you will be initiated from Kamapala Uganda.
As usual, we shall be depositing all your transport fees into your bank accounts in Advance that will take you to Kampala and back to your respective residences, and Dr.  Green has started sending you invitation letters into your email address, for you to know which Hotel will accommodate you, the Hotel for the meetings and other necessary information about this Meeting.
Now if you feel you must be in the meeting, but you are not receiving any invitation Letter, please, inform Dr.  Green  as soon as Possible Via:

In this 21sencury, there is no any institution you will work from and enjoy life without Join illuminati. However much Educated you are, you cannot enjoy this world without illuminati.

There is no salary you will get in this generation and think it will be enough for you, please, it is impossible.
The only Solution is to join illuminati, so that you can have enough Money to cater for your needs, your children, relatives, dependants and friends.


WHATSAPP TO: +256787455792


Since the Foundation of illuminati Foundation Uganda, Illuminati members in the East Africa and the whole of Africa at large, where we are mandated to operate as the World’s illuminati arm of Africa. Have always dedicated themselves to the advancement of the human species by taking oaths, and making all instructed commitments. These commitments we always talk about are not mere words, they are a core tradition of the illuminati, formed as written contracts between a single person and all members of humanity in this Wealth Society of the elite. The first pledge of the Illuminati is called the Eternal Oath, this is done while filling our Membership Declaration Form, be careful when filling that Form, our Membership forms have the Big Bolded Heading written ILLUMINATI LEGACY WORLDWIDE, when you come across it from our email just feel free while filling it.

Now, within the promises on the Membership Declaration Form, there is a constant reminder of a person’s most important goals: the pursuit of knowledge, enlightenment, abundance, unification, and the protection and advancement of the human species. It is not a vow of loyalty to the Illuminati, but rather a promise between oneself and humanity – a universal agreement that wealth, power, and prestige may enter your life, but your responsibility to humankind can never be forgotten.

And this is commemorated in that stunning document – issued on pristine matte stock with shining gold accents and a seal of authenticity. Upon receipt, citizens place their signature beneath the pledge, sealing their promises to themselves and humanity.After filling our form, it is then recognized with the utmost honor and quality, and is a perfect addition to our temples and initiation places. Though it may also be kept in private, its display serves as a signal to Illuminati members and citizens of the value to a member only. Now, even as you still read from our site, remember that you do not need to wait for anything, send in your request now, via this email address: and join illuminati now, it is you to redeem yourself and your family, no one else can do that for you, it is you who knows what you are going through.Money cannot do everything fine, but again poverty cannot do anything. To join send us the email to:666grillnati@gmail.comWe shall happily receive you. 

THE iLLUMINATI WORKSHOP IN DUBAI. Whatsapp number +256742443077

Humble greetings from the entire leadership of the illuminati Legacy of Uganda. And happy seasonal greetings from Lord Lucifer the head of the illuminati fraternity Worldwide.

I am happy to present to all our newly joined members of illuminati who have finished presenting all the requirements for joining illuminati, mostly from the following Countries, Uganda, Egypt, South Sudan , UAE, Namibia, Kenya, West Africa and South Africa.
The illuminati Legacy of Uganda is warmly inviting you for the new Members meeting which takes place after every 3 months, this time it will take place from UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Dubai Mall . It will be for only three days from 2nd up to 5th this coming month; all invited members are expected to be in Dubai by 4th. Join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness, do you know Why should one join illuminati?

Whatsapp number +256742443077

The issues to talk about are so important in our day to day life, we have a lot of enemies, and we need to learn how to deal with them. How to maintain the Wealth we got and how to implement the 666 in our lives. We shall have speakers from USA and Canada.

All the transport to Dubai and back to your home destination has been wired and deposited into your different bank accounts.
We have also sent you emails containing invitation letters indicating your accommodation room numbers in Different Hotels in Dubai City.
Those who have not yet received the Invitation emails, please contact Dr. Green the East African illuminati coordinator via this email address: to find out the reason.
Those who have not yet joined and wish to join, please the door is still widely open. Just Click Here for Details
Poverty is what we clearly know as Hell. If you are still poor, you are in the Hell already, join illuminati and chase Poverty out of your life and your entire Family. Why should one join illuminati today?

Have Money and have peace.
To join illuminati now, please send us your request via this email address:
WhatsApp number +25642443077
For more details about how to join illuminati CLICK HERE NOW
Sheraton hotel Kampala meeting Click Here

As the illuminati fraternity leadership, we have set up a Grant for different projects who meet certain qualifications. Eligible bidders CLICK HERE for details. We advise you to follow up with the instructions and meet the date schedule. And we have a scholarship for ongoing students both graduates and undergraduates in different universities across Africa, USA, India, UK and Canada, eligible students click and share This link Here

Join Illuminati fraternity and enjoy the world of riches and happiness. Email
New members meeting at Sheraton hotel Kampala Uganda Click Here for your invitation letter 
Are you a student or you have students. Click Here for our Trending scholarship Today

What is Freemasnry? Join illuminati today illuminati meeting in Dubai illuminati meeting in Kampala
Procedure to join illuminati Official invitation to Join Illuminati Illuminati members in kampala Requirements to jin illuminati for wealth
Join Illuminati Freemasonry in kenya Masonic Lodges The illuminati meeting in Masaka Kampala Uganda

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Humble greetings  from the entire leadership of the illuminati Legacy of This world. And happy seasonal greetings from Lord Lucifer the head...