how to join freemason

The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts welcomes those qualified men who are interested in the possibility of joining our ranks — to become a member of a Fraternity whose members and principles have shaped our country and our history.

Men age 18 and older who believe in a Supreme Being and meet the qualifications and standards for membership are eligible to petition a Lodge. We welcome men of every country, religion, race, age, income, education, and opinion.

Freemasonry requires that a man cannot be compelled to join our Fraternity and that he must seek admission based on his “own free will and accord.” Therefore, he must ask a member to sponsor his application.

The process for becoming a Mason is managed at the Lodge level. The first step towards joining is to contact a Lodge that you would like to have consider you for membership. Interested, email



 Greetings to everyone reading this, I cannot specify the time zone in my greetings, this is because it depends on your time according to where you are reading from.

Join Illuminati in Uganda, free your spirit, and become a part of this great, ever-growing family, whose support and care will be with you always.

Contact Illuminati :

We are always watching out for you

Last year, has been a good year mostly to the Registration Department of the illuminati Legacy of Uganda. If you are in portugal or anywhere else whatsapp to +256700626555 now for immediate registration.

We registered over 167400 New Members from East and West African Countries, which is a good Picture to the Organization, and this encourages us, I think you can now see how this year will be. The doors are still open for you too, do not lot in poverty, join illuminati today no matter where you are.

All of these members and above members each one of them is at least having a Car that costs not less than $37,500 US Dollars, and 4790 of these Members are already having Homes in Different Cities from their countries of residence. And other very many privileges are being enjoyed by our New Members of illuminati. You can also be part of this great fraternity by sending us your kind request through:
WhatsApp number. +256704125738

We have Organized Workshops across East Africa, We have named it WELCOME ILLUMINATI, The Third one will be in Kampala this very month of July this year, Then Kigali in August this year Rome Italy in July for selected members this year, Nairobi in October this year.
For Kampala Meeting will start SOON THIS COMING MONTH

Our Members from West Africa, we request you to be traveling to these Cities, it will be possible for you because the transport fees to these Places will be provided.
I believe some of you have already started receiving invitation letters by our Chief Agent and Initiator Dr. Green into your Email Addresses.

Please, if you know that you are a Member and you have not yet received an invitation letter, please write Dr. Green via: 

Now this is a call for new Members, as it is a new year, please look for ways of changing your life, you have been poor many years ago, now do not accept to be poor in this year, Join and get Money have Lands, Houses Cars, Promotions in Your Music and your Ministry if you are a Pastor. 

To Join Please write to our Uganda Agent/Initiator Dr. Green via
WhatsApp number. +256704125738


What is Freemasnry? Join illuminati today illuminati meeting in Dubai illuminati meeting in Kampala
Procedure to join illuminati Official invitation to Join Illuminati Illuminati members in kampala Requirements to jin illuminati for wealth
Join Illuminati Freemasonry in kenya Masonic Ldges The illuminati meeting in Masaka Kampala Uganda

 Humble greetings once again from the entire leadership of the illuminati Legacy of This world. It is always a season after receiving new members, And happy seasonal greetings from Lord Lucifer the head of the illuminati fraternity Worldwide. As we conclude this year, our dear members of the illuminati family we welcome you to  our meeting in Kampala Uganda at Sheraton Hotel. We shall inform you when will be the second meeting if you happen to miss us, just remind us from

I am happy to present to all our newly joined members of illuminati who have finished presenting all the requirements for joining illuminati, mostly from the following CountriesRusia, Germany ,Uganda, Egypt, South Sudan , UAE, Namibia, Kenya, West Africa, USA, ITALY, UK, Canada, and South Africa.  To join us send your request to or whatsapp to +256700626555.

If you are a politiciana musician , a student, a pastor, name it, you can still join us no matter where you are, the requirements are easy and simple within a process of only two to three days to start enjoying the illuminati family benefits, 

The illuminati Legacy of Uganda is warmly inviting you for the new Members meeting which takes place after every 3 months, this time it will take place from Kampala Uganda at Sheraton  Hotel . It will be for only three days from 
12/This month/up to 15th  /Of this month this year; all invited members are expected to be in Kampala in 4 days before the start of the meeting., 12th is the briefing day.
The issues to talk about are so important in our day to day life, we have a lot of enemies, and we need to learn how to deal with them. How to maintain the Wealth we got and how to implement the 666 in our lives. We shall have speakers from USA, Germany, Italy and Canada.
All the transport to  Kampala and back to your home destination has been wired and deposited into your different bank accounts and illuminati visa cash cards And the great illuminati packages has been posted to your home address, you will receive these packages within 7 Days. And those who have completed their registrations and all rituals please send your bank accounts details to: so that we can wire (transfer) all your payments within 24 hours.

We have also sent you emails containing invitation letters indicating your accommodation room numbers in Different Hotels in KAMPALA City.

Those who have not yet received the Invitation emails, please contact Dr. Green the East African illuminati coordinator via this email address: to find out the reason. 

Those who have not yet joined and wish to join, please the door is still widely open. Just Click Here for Details
Poverty is what we clearly know as Hell. If you are still poor, you are in the Hell already, join illuminati and chase Poverty out of your life and your entire Family.

Have Money and have peace of Mind.
To join illuminati now, please send us your request via this email address:

 Whatsapp +256700626555
Dr. Green Email

Citizen Liaison Kampala Uganda
Rubaga 14th Street Block 606
The Illuminati
What is Freemasnry? Join illuminati today illuminati meeting in Dubai illuminati meeting in Kampala
Procedure to join illuminati Official invitation to Join Illuminati Illuminati members in kampala Requirements to jin illuminati for wealth
Join Illuminati Freemasonry in kenya Masonic Ldges The illuminati meeting in Masaka Kampala Uganda

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Humble greetings  from the entire leadership of the illuminati Legacy of This world. And happy seasonal greetings from Lord Lucifer the head...