Lions don't loose sleep over the opinions of sheep

 The life of a sheep is easier than the life of a lion. Sheep are given food and water freely by their shepherd, and are protected from predators by shelters they did not build.

But these comforts bind the sheep into slavery. The sheep are bred to be weaker of mind and body, to require the shepherd’s protection so greatly that they can be free of physical chains but never stray. Theirs is a lifetime of servitude — one that is comfortable but ends at the shepherd’s whim.

Lions have no masters. Though the lion must hunt for its own food and search for its own shelter, it is free to roam where it wishes and requires no one to open its gate. Though the feeding trough of the sheep is filled, it is only with the grass and grain of its master's choosing. A lion must hunt and chase its meals, but feasts on anything it catches. 

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Basic qualifications.

 The qualifications to join a lodge vary from one jurisdiction to another, but some basic qualifications are common to all regular Masonic lodges:



The illuminati is a secret society that strives to promote spiritual and moral values. For detail click HERE

 It was founded on the principles of love, justice, unity, freedom, peace and relief and achievement of goals.

To join the illuminati brotherhood, you must have to be initiated, registered under a lodge, and also you must need to get a serial code from the headquarters. 

The illuminati brings togetherness amongst people of good will and solidarity, regardless of their differences and backgrounds, it ensures that both men and women to become better in society. Email 

The Illuminati does not practice human killing or sacrifice, contrary to what many people thought or deceived about especially does fake agents impersonating us......

"Its main goal is love, unity and freedom, freedom of happiness and satisfaction and desire to realize dreams faster.

The Illuminati is NOT really a religious entity.  Its a global organization of great men and women with different ideas and religions. For detail click HERE

Illuminati is generally made up of 70% of world leaders, 85% of billionaires, 71% of billionaires, super-successful stars, 84% of the best soccer players in the world, 76% of the most successful individuals, lawyers, bankers, men and  most successful business women, and some popular pastors and prophets, belonging to the Illuminati family makes you blessed and exposed to success. 

You are free to worship any God of your choice ... Nothing changes except the reality of your heart's desire to achieve unity and love for the fellowship that will come from this organization.

"No matter how big this organization, we don't recruit or force anyone to join us because not everyone can join us and the association depends on their free will ... Our main goal is to make the world a better place and unite all leaders to have a leadership attitude to govern the world.

 ✅ To join us, you must start online and register by following some interesting steps and also getting your membership certificate that will help you get the physical certificate.


Email to join illuminati today.


TO note, The idiologies of joining the illuminati brotherhood to be rich/ famous and been asked to pay maybe a fee or the ability for you to finance your membership is some how funny but hence important. For detail click HERE

First financing your membership shouldn't be a problem for you because first its shows a hundred seriousness for you wanting to belong to the family. 

Secondly financing your membership doesn't mean what you may spend wun't be achieved back thus you have to know what ever you shall spend can't be compared with the benefits of this family .

Lastly financing your membership is a factor that grows up the faith and builds in some degree of seriousness in you hence once you invest some money in this you are very conscious of the membership process hence wun't be a problem to us because we know you are conscious with your decisions to the extent where you are willing to sponsor your self to the top. For detail click HERE

This is just to open up your mind and be calm to uplift your self to another level. So even you had been duped before meeting us, or you never had faith in the previous experience, that shouldn't be the case here for its a hundred percent guaranteed membership 

Hope this is understood.


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