Freemasonry in general

One of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, Freemasonry's roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles. 

It is here that a number of the famous elements of Freemasonry find their roots. In the medieval era, stonemasons often travelled around to find work in different locations. To demonstrate their level of qualification, they would use grips, words and signs in order to distinguish themselves from unqualified builders.

Freemasonry uses building analogies to teach members how to lead productive lives that benefit the communities that they live in. In the medieval era, stonemasons wore aprons and gloves to protect themselves while working on shaping rough pieces of stone, but in today’s society Freemasons meet to build friendships and communities rather than cathedrals and castles. For details of how to register your interest Email and you will be guided upon how to join the fraternity.

Join illuminati today

 Join illuminati today as we welcome our new members from Canada. Fear not, this is your day to make your own decisions. Email for details.



Are you a musician, a pastor, a student or a politician,a business man join illuminati today

Illumminati is everywhere in the world,

  1. This organization welcomes every one to come and Join.
  2. To join Illuminati is NOT free. 
  3. There is no Human Sacrifice of any kind in illuminati.
  4. We take people, of all kinds, men, women and the youth.
  5. To join illuminati, takes only 30 minutes, to get rich can only take 2hours.

We have a lot of advantages in Illuminati

1. We give our Members $3,000 US Dollars every week.
2. We Give our Members $2,000,000/= every month.
3. Our members are free to travel to any Country of their choice at any time.
4. If a person gets for us a member we give that person instant $1000 Us Dollars per person he/she brought to join us.

Very many people have joined us, Pastors, Musicians, Business Men, Teachers, Celebrities, Farmers, Movie Actors. NGOs, and others that we cannot elaborate on this page.

Join us today and get rich, just send us your request through:

Following multiple reports linking success to Illuminati, some greedy artistes have decided to try their luck. We have learnt from well placed sources that there are some Ugandan artistes who have sold all they own to pay a lot of money to join Illuminati.
The artistes were allegedly asked to pay a whooping fee between (1200$-$5000) US dollars for registration before they either get a lot of money, fame or long life depending on what each desired.
The artistes were then asked to connect with the recruiter after paying the fee. We have learn t that a few have already completed the process and are just waiting on their next hit to be stars and rock the Grammies.
Whatsapp number +256742443077
Email for details on how to join illuminati too and enjoy the world of riches and happiness.


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Hôtel 2 Février Lomé New Members Rituals ceremony

Humble greetings  from the entire leadership of the illuminati Legacy of This world. And happy seasonal greetings from Lord Lucifer the head...