Money is a mathematical measurement of a person’s earthly influence.

 Wealth is commonly vilified by those who have never met it.  Many people journey through life believing that the pursuit of money is the cause of all evil — forgoing the fact that often money can solve life’s most harrowing tribulations.

 Is the money a mother uses to care for her child evil?  Is the money an artist is provided in return for years of practice and hardship evil?  Is the money a corrupted corporation pays to its employees evil?

 Money's choice between good or evil is decided by those who use it.

 Money has no feeling, no voice, no soul.  When one is hungry, they cannot eat paper or gold.  The same money that can be used to hurt can also be used to heal.  Money means death and weapons to the dictator. To the beggar, money is a means for food and life.

 Pursue a life of Abundance.

 This planet is rich enough for all people in all places to live in the joys of plenty.  A life of Abundance is one filled to the brim, spilling over its edges — a freedom to help those around you because you no longer need to help yourself.

 The value of money is measured in the hands of those who hold it.  To a beggar, a hundred is a lot; to a millionaire, a hundred is little.  A billionaire can save hundreds of thousands of lives simply by giving food and medicine and shelter to those who have none.  How many lives can the poor save?

 With effort, poverty is impermanent.

 The path of every person’s life is hidden: the rich are born with no knowledge of their wealth, as are the poor and their poverty.  Though you may feel that the struggles you face in this moment are undeserved, know that these are merely impermanent and temporary.  An empire will fall so greater empires can be made from its ashes; a life will crumble so a greater future may be built with its pieces.  Find peace in knowing that the darkest moments in your life are merely prerequisites for the life of Abundance you are meant to have.

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Illuminatiam: The First Testament Of The Illuminati

Fear not for your war-stricken, poverty-ridden planet: help is on the way.  The Illuminati’s path for humanity—our Universal Design—has spanned throughout centuries to safeguard the human species from extinction.  As this age of War comes to an end, a new dawn will usher in a society where all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.

 Now is the time to prepare.  Open your mind to learn of the power that gives authority to kings and queens, but lives hidden inside every human.  The Illuminati's first testament is your life’s guide to all that is ahead:

 - Revelations about the Illuminati's role in history

 - Decades-old secrets of wealth and prosperity

 - How to become a member of the Illuminati in the future - Your true purpose in this world

The exploding sounds that echo across your red horizons are nothing to be afraid of. We are always watching out for you.

We are living in a time of global change. Though many are confident in these changes, many others are now uncertain about the future.  All is easy when the wind is still and the ground is peaceful.  But when the gusts of change begin to push against their backs, humans begin to realize how fragile they truly are.

 In this Age of War, humanity stands on a perpetual precipice: staring down into the maw of oblivion, where any misstep might send them into extinction.  How much turmoil can humanity withstand before it is pushed over the edge?  Are these global rearrangements merely tremors beneath humanity’s feet, or are they the rumblings of the final quake?

 The strength of a unity is found in compromise.

 Crowns have passed through thousands of kings and queens, each different from the previous.  Like the pendulum of a clock, power swings from one side to the other in an endless passing of time.  It creates a balance between two opposing forces – each side relying on the other to maintain order.

 Neither side is entirely right or wrong, but neither side can relent.  If the pendulum ceases to sway, the clock ceases to function.

 Peaceful transfer of power is a foundation of freedom.

 It is easy to place the blame for hardships on the shoulders of humanity’s leaders if they are not the leaders that you chose.  In the minds of their opposition, a leader turns into an enemy; their mistakes turn into premeditated attacks; their human flaws turn into irreparable defects; their missteps turn into wicked conspiracies.  Many refuse to see any good in those who disagree with them simply because their beliefs are different.

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Illuminati meetings. Join illuminati meetings

The illuminati meetings are arranged almost every month welcoming new members of the illuminati and allocating tasks to each new illuminati member. We welcome all new members to the illuminati meetings as arranged in the mails received sent from Our new members are encouraged to admit to their rituals ceremonies accordingly as arranged always. The illuminati will always have cult ceremonies and we shall keep all our new members posted in their mailboxes.

We welcome new members to join illuminati through same email, and we shall first require some details from you before we invite you to your first rituals ceremony. Then we shall arrange a new members meeting in one of the 5 star hotel near you with all both old and new members to host our USA fraternity leaders and grand masters of our cult. Fear not start your journey today and join the illuminati family to enjoy life of riches and happiness no matter where you are, we welcome you to register your interest to join illuminati through email

Illuminati members in Dubai have been invited all to attend our new York summit happening next month scheduled as indicated in their mails received. If you have not received your invitation to this summit yet, we advise you to write to before Friday of the coming week dated always as before. Thank you for joining illuminati and value your privacy.

Ready to join this happening, email to to register your interest, joining illuminati takes only two days, fear not, and start now.



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