Illuminati symbols. The crossed keys

 The image of the Crossed Keys starts from the earliest days of the Illuminati's foundation, and hence our set of experiences has made it take on various stealthy implications — some of which stay mysterious right up to the present day. In certain bits of enlightened workmanship, the importance of the Crossed Keys can change in light of the shade of the metal that is utilized in its portrayal.

The Crossed Keys symbol should be visible in an enlightened circle of the Illuminati's Timeless Vow.

As a resident ascents through the degrees of Illuminati commencement, they are acquainted with the developing implications that take cover behind the picture of the Crossed Keys. A portion of the openly accessible definitions include:

Unwaveringness To The Promises

A steel vault is locked with a key to safeguard valuable items from untouchables would look to obliterate it. In this same manner, positioning individuals from the Illuminati are limited by vows that require outright mystery and prudence, to safeguard the objectives of our association from war hawks who might smother the advancement of humankind's coming period of harmony. The Crossed Keys stand as an indication of a part's guarantee to watch the fortunes of information that have been shared with them.

Marriage Bond

In later Illuminati imagery, the Crossed Keys were every so often used to address a marriage. At the point when both keys are indistinguishable, every individual in an organization has equivalent responsibility for shared home. It addresses the significance of a marriage association that is based on an underpinning of shared regard.

Keys To Paradise And Earth

A few middle age rehearses accepted that the Crossed Keys address the power of lords and pontiffs to order the Earth and the Sky. In any case, in Illuminati convictions, the control over Earth and Paradise — over this life and the obscure that follows — rests in the possession of every individual human. Our convictions direct that a human's not entirely settled by their own decisions and choices. Along these lines, the Crossed Keys address each human's secret control over their way of living and their capacity to control their own fate.

Join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness. Email to:

Whatsapp number. +256700626555

Abu Dhabi investment Authority (ADIA)

We are a United Arab Emirates based investment company known as Abu Dhabi Investment Authority working on expanding its portfolio globally and financing projects.

(ADIA) is a Giant in maintains extensive technology, oil exploration, development, production and financing investment project, ADIA investment funding activity specializes in real estate and hospitality, industrial and sustainable technologies, strategic financial investments, Starting up Business Expansion, Commercial Real Estate purchase, Contract Execution, Healthcare services, Agriculture, manufacturing, mining and Energy projects.
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) is acting as a lender and the fund will be disbursed on a clear interest rate of 3.5% annually to our partners and Entrepreneurs for their investment projects.

We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual investment with you.

ADIA offers a 1.5% commission of the total loan sum to fiduciary agents who are willing to work with us by presenting a profitable project that requires financing / loan if his/her client's project funding is successfully executed.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon possible as you send your project proposal through Email:

Sheikh Hamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Managing Director

Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
211 Corniche, PO Box 3600,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Welcome to illuminati. Join illuminati today

 Welcome to illuminati. Join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness no matter where you are. Those many rich men and companies including your bosses together with political leaders, business men and famous musicians are all connected to illuminati. None of them will tell you the truth till when you have made your decision to join illuminati. Join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness. 

Distance does not matter, you can join illuminati from your secret room in your house after preforming the illuminati secret rituals. Get in contact with Dr. Green Whatsapp number +256700626555 now to take you through the illuminati secret rituals now to join illuminati. You will find spiritual change in your life with in two hours. Then with those spiritual powers you get in contact with any illuminati member within your vicinity who will take to our leaders. These leaders always hold meetings for new members and after every meeting they are given $14.8M US dollars.

Fear not start your journey to join illuminati today through Whatsapp number. +256700626555

Details to join illuminati

Fear not, join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness. Give us the details below as we consider you.

provide the following information as we assist you.
Full name...........
Marital status..........
Current city...........
Next of kin..........
Phone Number clearly indicating your country code................
Home address.............
Active Email address..............
The kind of riches you want is important.............

Bank account details details ...........
Two clear photo shoots of your National 🆔 both front and hind ........
Two photos, 1 full and 1 half....
Best regards

Forward the above details through Whatsapp number +256700626555 correspondence email

illuminati. +256700626555

 Join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness. We trust you keep secrets private once you have joined the illuminati family, fear not no matter where you, make your decisions today for the betterment of your future family. The illuminati will give you a home in a country of your choice and an ATM card with $14.8B and a new life change to visit great illuminati leaders.

Whatsapp to, +256700626555

Correspondence email


 Hello everyone My name is Richard Mark Am from USA , I am here to give a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agent in Kenya and Nigeria.

 I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid of contacting any illuminati agent because they had eaten my money.

One day I across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Dr. Green of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man email and the phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent eat took my property and went away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Dr. Green and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisely I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood worth $14.8M, a new car and a new home in Belgium, I was so happy.

Join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness. No matter where you are. Join our summit happening soon in Dubai with the illuminati new members. Click HERE NOW for details 

For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT Dr. Green, Whatsapp number. +256700626555 or email:

Illuminati: Illuminati new members summit

 Glad to have our illuminati new members from some few selected countries of Netherlands, Uganda, Singapore, India, United States, Australia, United Arab Emirates and Belgium. The Illuminati new members summit will take place in Dubai with Dr. Smith as our chairman and The secretary general of the united nations Antonio Guterres will host the summit.

Illuminati new members summit in Dubai is always held three times a year to educate our initiates how to maintain cult funds and secrets. We therefore encourage those who are ready to join illuminati for riches to arrange initiations rituals ceremony with our online Grand Masters Whatsapp number +256700626555. Through this line you will be guided on how to reach initiations rituals masters in your country mainly this month in Netherlands, Uganda, Singapore, United States, Australia, United Arab Emirates and Belgium.

Dubai illuminati new members summit will take place next month 17th-20th. All our new initiates will receive their funds to cater for their journey and family settlement allowance direct into their bank accounts. We therefore encourage our new initiates to contact their available Masters responsible for their initiations to validate their bank accounts or Email to: for inquiries.

During and after our illuminati new members summit in Dubai, we shall give out scholarships to families of our initiates to their education. Fear not, join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness. Wealth is health, join illuminati today and enjoy wealth in this world.

To join illuminati today Email to: or Whatsapp to +256700626555

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The Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt, has a structured initiation process for new members. Ready to join illuminati secret fraternity, ...