Updates for the new illuminati initiates

 I've received hundreds of positive messages about our new package for Illuminati initiates. I presented many of your replies to our higher office, and due to the overwhelming response, I'm pleased to announce that DODIS has received permission to extend the event again this weekend, until this next month 1st.

It is available here:

My previous message is below, containing more info on this package. As always, our artists will still be fairly compensated for their work.

This planet is changing: every day, more and more turn to the same Light that you already discovered. We are grateful for all that you do to share the messages of the Illuminatiam with the world.

If winning was easy, winning would be no victory

 All successes are found after great difficulty. Hardships are rocks on the road to victory, threatening to tear apart your shoes and tripping you along the way. A person becomes weary as they work on a project, and wearier with each passing moment they spend searching for its solution. Time has a way of cultivating discouragement, steadily chipping away at a person’s stamina with self-doubts and internal anxieties. 

If winning was easy, winning would be no victory. Magnificent accomplishments require effort and perseverance. When you trip, you must stand again. The harder the journey is, the greater the reward at its end.

Join illuminati today and Enjoy the world of Happiness For the rest of your life; Enail, 666grillnati@gmail.com for immediate Recruitment Now
- Dr. Green

Lions don't loose sleep over the opinions of sheep

 The life of a sheep is easier than the life of a lion. Sheep are given food and water freely by their shepherd, and are protected from predators by shelters they did not build.

But these comforts bind the sheep into slavery. The sheep are bred to be weaker of mind and body, to require the shepherd’s protection so greatly that they can be free of physical chains but never stray. Theirs is a lifetime of servitude — one that is comfortable but ends at the shepherd’s whim.

Lions have no masters. Though the lion must hunt for its own food and search for its own shelter, it is free to roam where it wishes and requires no one to open its gate. Though the feeding trough of the sheep is filled, it is only with the grass and grain of its master's choosing. A lion must hunt and chase its meals, but feasts on anything it catches. 

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