illuminati Benefits

Here is a partial list, from the Member Orientation Manual entitled, Welcome to the Illuminati: Guiding You to the Light, (c) 2015 Global Illuminati Association, A.G., all rights reserved:

  1. Three weeks paid vacation for first year employees that can be taken at any time after the end of the sixth month of membership.
  2. Excellent 401(k) plan with 100% employer matching (for further details, see the Plan Guidelines).
  3. Stock options in the employee’s choice of the six largest Illuminati-controlled multinational corporations.
  4. Disability insurance that covers 100% of the employee’s salary in the event of long-term disability.
  5. Top level health insurance with full optical and dental coverage.
  6. $2 million life insurance and accidental death policy.
  7. Access to the Illuminati Members Only health facilities located in every major commercial center around the world.
  8. Free transportation for company business anywhere in the world, usually on one of the organization’s Gulfstream 550 executive jets.
  9. Generous expense and clothing allowance.
  10. Firearms for personal protection, including full automatic weapons irrespective of the laws of the nation in which you are stationed, all provided free of charge, along with a generous supply of combat and carry ammunition, as well as free FBI certified ballistics vest. Appropriate holsters for your carry method of choice are provided, as well as unlimited shooting range time. Heavier weapons, such as mortars, anti-tank rocket launchers, Claymore mines, land mines, Stinger missiles, etc., to be issued on an as needed basis.
  11. Weekly sweeps of your home and office for listening and other surveillance devices. Additional sweeps as needed.
  12. Free contract “talent” to remove any person who proves to be excessively inconvenient to your activities. Making the body of the deceased disappear without a trace is included with this service.
  13. Chauffeur and valet 24/7/365. It is standard Illuminati policy for you to call the chauffeur “Jeeves” and the valet, “Maurice.”
  14. Cosmetic surgery, forged identity documents, and a fresh cover identity provided free of charge as needed.
  15. A new Omega Speedmaster or Seamaster wristwatch of your choice every other year. Rolexes are for showoffs.
  16. Daily shoe shine service.
  17. Housing provided in Illuminati controlled facility or through a generous housing allowance.
  18. Companionship that is discrete, suitable, exceptionally attractive matched to your “type,” and the appropriate gender and orientation provided as requested, free of charge.
  19. Invitations to all the best parties and events, where you will meet and be seen by the world’s elite rulers, movie and television stars, recording artists, and other celebrities. Welcome to the jet set.

When you help rule the world, you receive nothing but the best. For illuminati New members meeting in Dubai Click Here 

Addendum: I forgot to mention the $750,000 signing bonus. 

Email: for details.

Whatsapp number. +256787455792

Are you a student or you have students. Click Here for our Trending scholarship Today

Whatsapp Chat

The illuminati meetings. Whatsapp number +256742443077

Humble greetings from the entire leadership of the illuminati Legacy of Uganda. And happy seasonal greetings from Lord Lucifer the head of the illuminati fraternity Worldwide. As we conclude this year of Covid-19, our dear members of the illuminati family we welcome you to the  meeting in Kampala Uganda at Sheraton Hotel.

I am happy to present to all our newly joined members of illuminati who have finished presenting all the requirements for joining illuminati, mostly from the following CountriesRusia, Germany ,Uganda, Egypt, South Sudan , UAE, Namibia, Kenya, West Africa, USA, ITALY, UK, Canada, and South Africa. Send you issues to .

If you are a politiciana musician , a student, a pastor, name it, you can still join us no matter where you are, the requirements are easy and simple within a process of only two to three days to start enjoying the illuminati family benefits, 

The illuminati Legacy of Uganda is warmly inviting you for the new Members meeting which takes place after every 3 months, this time it will take place from Kampala Uganda at Sheraton  Hotel . It will be for only three days from 
12th up to 15th ; all invited members are expected to be in Kampala in 4 days before the start of the meeting.
The issues to talk about are so important in our day to day life, we have a lot of enemies, and we need to learn how to deal with them. How to maintain the Wealth we got and how to implement the 666 in our lives. We shall have speakers from USA, Germany, Italy and Canada.
All the transport to  Kampala and back to your home destination has been wired and deposited into your different bank accounts And the great illuminati packages has been posted to your home address, you will receive these packages within 7 Days. And those who have completed their registrations and all rituals please send your bank accounts details to: so that we can wire (transfer) all your payments within 24 hours.

We have also sent you emails containing invitation letters indicating your accommodation room numbers in Different Hotels in ROME City.

Those who have not yet received the Invitation emails, please contact Dr. Green the East African illuminati coordinator via this email address: to find out the reason. 
Those who have not yet joined and wish to join, please the door is still widely open. Just Click Here for Details
Poverty is what we clearly know as Hell. If you are still poor, you are in the Hell already, join illuminati and chase Poverty out of your life and your entire Family.
For more details about how to join illuminati CLICK HERE NOW

Have Money and have peace of Mind.
To join illuminati now, please send us your request via this email address:
Are you a student or you have students. Click Here for our Trending scholarship Today
Sheraton hotel Kampala meeting Click Here

As the illuminati fraternity leadership, we have set up a Grant for different projects who meet certain qualifications. Eligible bidders CLICK HERE for details. We advise you to follow up with the instructions and meet the date schedule. And we have a scholarship for ongoing students both graduates and undergraduates in different universities across Africa, USA, India, UK and Canada, eligible students click and share This link Here

Whatsapp number +256742443077
Citizen Liaison Kampala Uganda
Rubaga 14th Street Block 606
The Illuminati

What is Freemasnry?Join illuminati todayilluminati meeting in Dubaiilluminati meeting in Kampala
Procedure to join illuminatiOfficial invitation to Join IlluminatiIlluminati members in kampalaRequirements to jin illuminati for wealth
Join IlluminatiFreemasonry in kenyaMasonic LodgesThe illuminati meeting in Masaka Kampala Uganda
Whatsapp Chat

The illuminati Kampala

Join illuminati today and enjoy life of riches and happiness.
Whatsapp number. +256742443077

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Hôtel 2 Février Lomé New Members Rituals ceremony

Humble greetings  from the entire leadership of the illuminati Legacy of This world. And happy seasonal greetings from Lord Lucifer the head...