If I Become a Free Mason, What Is Their Mission?

If I Become a Free Mason, What Is Their Mission?

Free Masons help to build a better world through a unique and worthy process of building better men to live in it.  The Free Mason Motto is:  "Better men make a better world."
What principles will I learn?
You will learn to practice brotherly love for all, charitable relief for those who may be in need, morality and good citizenship in every community.
What type of fraternal society is Free Masonry?
Freemasonry acts as a charitable, fraternal, educational, social and character-building society.
Masonic Fraternity:
Masonry's active ideal is the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God.

How To Become A Free Mason

How To Become A Free Mason

      Online Education About Freemasonry

  Become a Freemason?

Would you like to belong to the oldest and largest fraternity in the world?

Here is how: You must first find a Masonic lodge location near you, contact them, and ask for a petition.
If you become a Free Mason, you will:
  • Join both the oldest and the largest fraternity in the world.
  • Join a brotherhood of over 2,000,000 men of all ages, from all races, religions, and countries, and from all walks of life.

Why are so many men joining Free Masons?

Freemasonry is a voluntary, fraternal organization, composed of men of good will, good character and good reputation, whom in most jurisdictions around the world, believe in an Almighty Creator and practice the spirit of universal brotherhood to man.
They are loyal to their country and devote their time to the principles of friendship and fellowship.  Their focus is to be of service to all mankind.
For many men, Freemasonry fulfills a part of themselves that they intrinsically felt was missing.  Whether it be the social, the philosophical, the spiritual, the historical or simply a sense of community with others; you will find within Freemasonry that part of you which you seek.
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Joining the fraternity

Joining the Fraternity
Start as an Entered Apprentice. This is the first stage of initiation, and you'll learn the basic principles of Freemasonry After you gain enough knowledge and put in some time, you'll work your way up through two more symbolic degrees.

Throughout the apprenticeship period, you must continue to demonstrate good character.
Before you can advance to the next degree, you must demonstrate proficiency in understanding the degree work you experienced.

Advance to the Fellow Craft degree. You'll delve deeper into the teachings of Freemasonry, especially as they pertain to the arts and sciences. To complete this degree, you'll be tested on your knowledge about everything you've learned so far.

Get a Master Mason degree. This is the highest level you can achieve, and it usually takes several months to get there. To get the degree, you must demonstrate proficiency in the values of Freemasonry. Your completion of the degree will be celebrated with a ceremony.


To be one, ask one. The traditional way of joining Freemasonry is to ask someone who is already a member. [4] If you know someone who's a member, let him know that you're interested in joining, and tell him you'd like to petition for membership. He should direct you to the appropriate venue to issue your petition; you'll have to answer some questions about why you want to become a member. If you don't know someone who's member, there are a few things you can try:

Look for a "2B1Ask1" sign. You'll see this on bumper stickers, shirts, hats, and other items displayed by Freemasons who want to welcome new members.
Look for the Masonic square and compass symbol. This is a bit harder to spot, but you may see someone wearing it on a t-shirt or another item.
Look up your local Freemason lodge in the phone book. Call the lodge and ask them how to pursue membership in that jurisdiction.
Interview with the Freemasons. After you've submitted your petition to a particular lodge, the Freemasons there will review it and decide whether to invite you in for an interview with an investigative committee. If they wish to call you in, a date and time will be arranged. During the interview, you can expect the following:

You'll be asked questions about why you want to become a Freemason, and you'll be asked to describe your life story and your own character.
You'll get the opportunity to ask them questions about how things work at the Lodge.
Wait to hear their decision. After the interview, the Freemasons will conduct an investigation into your life, which will include calls to people close to you who can verify that you have a high moral character. They may also conduct a background check to determine whether you've had issues with crime, drugs or alcohol.
Accept an invitation to join. Once the investigative committee has made their decision, you'll receive a call and an official invitation to join the fraternity. You'll receive further instructions about meetings.

Basic requirements to join freemasonry

basic requirements to join freemasnry. join 14freemasonskl lodge in Uganda Be a man at least 21 years of age. This is the most basic requirement under most Grand Lodge (the center of authority for Freemason groups) jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions accept men who are 18 and over, and in other cases exceptions are made for the sons of members, or for university students. Joining is not Free, YOU PAY 15,000USD, Email to 666grillnati@gmail.com for payment details, You must be having 14 Million and above USD on your bank account.

Believe in a supreme being. There are a few jurisdictions that don't require members to believe in a deity, but this is a requirement for most Freemasons. You must believe in a single god or deity above all others. People from all religious backgrounds are welcome as long as this holds true.

Have high morals. This may be the most important quality to have as a potential Freemason. The fraternity's motto is "better men make a better world," and honor, personal integrity, and responsibility are held in high esteem. You must be able to demonstrate that you are a man with good character in the following ways:
Have a good reputation such that those who know you would vouch for your character.

Be a good family member, with the means to support your family.

Have an educated understanding of Freemasonry. Many people seek to enter the fraternity because they heard about it in movies, books, and mainstream media. Freemasonry is often portrayed as a secret society that is trying to take over the world, with clues to this effect hidden all over Paris and DC. The truth is that Freemasonry is comprised of regular men striving to support each other in fellowship, friendship, and good citizenship. Becoming a member gives you access to the following:

Entrance to the monthly gatherings at Freemason lodges, where you commune with fellow Masons.

Initiation into the teachings on the history of Freemasonry.
Participation in the ancient rites of Freemasonry, such as the handshake, rituals of initiation, and free use of the Masonic square and compass symbol.

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Join freemasonry

The Masonic Lodge is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry. [1] The Lodge meets regularly to conduct the usual formal business of any small organisation (pay bills, organise social and charitable events, elect new members, etc.). In addition to business, the meeting may perform a ceremony to confer a Masonic degree [2] or receive a lecture, which is usually on some aspect of Masonic history or ritual. [3] At the conclusion of the meeting, the Lodge might adjourn for a formal dinner, or festive board , sometimes involving toasting and song. [4]
The bulk of Masonic ritual consists of degree ceremonies. Candidates for Freemasonry are progressively initiated into Freemasonry, first in the degree of Entered Apprentice. Some time later, in a separate ceremony, they will be
passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, and finally they will be raised to the degree of Master Mason. In all of these ceremonies, the candidate is entrusted with passwords, signs and grips ( secret handshakes ) peculiar to his new rank. [5] Another ceremony is the annual installation of the Master and officers of the Lodge. [2] In some jurisdictions Installed Master is valued as a separate rank, with its own secrets to distinguish its members. [6] In other jurisdictions, the grade is not recognised, and no inner ceremony conveys new secrets during the installation of a new Master of the Lodge.

Most Lodges have some sort of social calendar, allowing Masons and their partners to meet in a less ritualised environment. [8] Often coupled with these events is the obligation placed on every Mason to contribute to charity. This occurs at both Lodge and Grand Lodge level. Masonic charities contribute to many fields, such as education or disaster relief. [9][10]
These private local Lodges form the backbone of Freemasonry, and a Freemason will necessarily have been initiated into one of these. There also exist specialist Lodges where Masons meet to celebrate events, such as sport or Masonic research. The rank of Master Mason also entitles a Freemason to explore Masonry further through other degrees, administered separately from the Craft, or "Blue Lodge" degrees described here, but having a similar format to their meetings.

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